Photographer: Aliyah Azeez | instagram: allysimperial
Hey guys, Happy New Month!
Wow, a lot has happened since I lasted posted. First thing is first, I’m no longer living in Ireland anymore. I know crazy right , it seems like just last week, I was talking about how excited I was to be back home but that chapter is over and I’m now in Spain. Madrid to be exact, I actually just moved over here, a few days ago and will be studying abroad for the next few months, which is very very exciting. As far as the whole studying abroad again, for the second year in a row goes, I will address all that in a separate blog post dedicated to back to school/uni and studying abroad, so if you’ve any qyestions what-so-ever related to that topic, do let me know so I can add it in.
The past few days itself have been complete mayhem (don’t leave things last minute) but I’m finally settling in. Let me just say this now, the weather here in Madrid is absolutely insane. The heat I’m currently experiencing is insane. It is 36 degrees right now and predicted to still increase. I know, wow!
Also, this post is in collaberation with Allysimperial (my sister) on YouTube. Click Here to check out her video, where she literally shares a bunch of bomb jumpsuits which are all very affordable from Aliexpress.
Nude Playsuit: Aliexpress |
Oversized Denim Jacket: Zara |
Ankle Mesh Boot: Lamoda [Similar Here]|
Choker Necklace: Aliexpress |
Thanks for the advice. Could you do a blog on things you need to do (a week before) studying abroad?
Thanks Linda, actually have a blog post going live tomorrow on tips and advice related to studying abroad and starting university, hope that is useful. If you’ve any queries please feel free to contact me :).
Excitement loaded again, enjoy yourself doll
Yes, you can definitely say that, thank you 🙂
Love the entire outfit. From the hair to the shoes.
Being Antisocial
Glad to hear that thank you Tega 🙂