Photographer: ralphmckeonphotography.com| instagram: ralphmckeonphotography
Floral Bodysuit: Quiz Clothing
Denim Shorts: Forever21
Heels: Quanticlo
Necklace: Soufeel. Use discount code “Billyg115” to save some coins
Watch: Cluse
Hey guys, hope you’re doing well, its been a hot minute, (literally considering its so bloody hot here in England). I’m really not complaining cause nobody wants a rainy summer but honestly this heat is something else. Right now I’m just so tired and drained, think I need to have an early night, so I can start the week right.
On another note, I’ve been listening so much new music lately and I’m loving it, Feel like making a playlist or something to share what I’m loving but for the most part you can find some of them on my instagram story highlights.
Now I’m gonna take another shower cause you really can’t be playing with this weather and watch the rest of this week’s episode of Power.